- 一旦
find 5.3.1 -type f -name "*java"|xargs grep "eventPublisher.publish(" > ../eventPublisher.txt find 5.3.1 -type f -name "*java"|xargs grep ".publishEvent(" > ../publisEvent.txt
イベント名 | 説明 |
AttachmentBatchUploadCompletedEvent | An event indicating that o batch of one or more attachments have completed uploading. Attachments in the list may have been created or updated in the request. |
AttachmentCreateEvent | An event indicating that one or more attachments have been added to a piece of content. |
AttachmentRemoveEvent | Event sent *before* the removal of an attachment. |
AttachmentUpdateEvent | |
AttachmentVersionRemoveEvent | Event sent *before* the removal of an attachment version. |
AttachmentViewEvent | Event fired every time an attachment is viewed. |
BlogPostCreateEvent | |
BlogPostRemoveEvent | |
BlogPostRestoreEvent | |
BlogPostTrashedEvent | |
BlogPostUpdateEvent | |
BootstrapContextInitialisedEvent | An event indicating that the bootstrap context has been initialised. |
ClusterEventWrapper | Wraps an event for transmission to other nodes in the cluster. The {@link com.atlassian.confluence.cluster.coherence.invocations.EventInvocable} is responsible for actually putting this event on the {@link com.atlassian.event.EventManager} queue on the remote nodes. @see com.atlassian.confluence.cluster.coherence.invocations.EventInvocable @see com.atlassian.confluence.cluster.ClusterEventBroadcaster |
ClusterPanicEvent | Used when the {@link ClusterSafetyManager} detects a fatal error in the configuration of the cluster. Listeners of this event should prevent all access to the application and present the description message to the user. @see ClusterSafetyManager @see ClusterSafetyJob |
ClusterReindexRequiredEvent | Event to fire when every other node in the cluster requires a reindex. (Eg after a full site import). |
ColourSchemeChangedEvent | Fired when the colour scheme is changed, either within a space, or globally. |
CommentCreateEvent | |
CommentRemoveEvent | |
CommentUpdateEvent | |
ConfigurationEvent | |
ConfigurationMigrationEvent | Used to indicate moving configuration from one data store to another. Useful for flushing caches. |
ConfluenceTaskResolveEvent | Used by analytics to determine when an inline task has been resolved. @since 4.3 |
ContentPermissionEvent | Event triggered when the permissions change on an ContentEntityObject. Before 5.0, the event was erroneously triggered for each page edit and this bug has been fixed. |
DashboardPopularTabViewEvent | |
DashboardRecentlyUpdatedViewEvent | |
DatabaseConfiguredEvent | This event is sent when the database configuration has been completed during setup. |
DirectoryUserRenamedEvent | This event is exactly like {@link com.atlassian.crowd.event.user.UserRenamedEvent}, with the exception that it is always guaranteed to be published. Note that due to possibility of multiple directories containing users with the same username, changes to directory users do not directly correspond with changes to Confluence users. |
DomainRestrictedUserSignupEvent | |
EdgeIndexRebuiltEvent | |
EmailThreadConversionStartedEvent | Event that is published when a user confirms that they want to publish an email thread as a page. @since v5.0 |
EmailThreadConvertedEvent | Event that is published when a page is created from an email. @since v5.0 |
EmailThreadStagedEvent | Event that is published when a page is staged from an email. @since v5.0 |
ErrorLoggedEvent | Published by {@link EventPublishingAppender} when an error is logged by the system. |
ExportFinishedEvent | Represents completion of an export. |
FollowEvent | An event fired when a user is followed/ |
GadgetInstalledEvent | This event gets fired when an external gadget is installed. |
GadgetUninstalledEvent | This event gets published when an external gadget is removed from the system. |
GlobalSettingsChangedEvent | Event announcing a change in the global configuration of Confluence. Notes for implementors:
GlobalSettingsViewEvent | Represents an administrator viewing the global settings. |
GroupCreateEvent | |
GroupRemoveEvent | |
ImportFinishedEvent | Returns true if this event was published on the local node. Returns false if this event was originally published on another node in a cluster. @return true if this event was published on the local node |
IndexQueueFlushCompleteEvent | An event to indicate that a flush of the index queue has completed with at least 1 item in the queue. |
LabelAddEvent | Thrown when an existing label is associated with piece of content (as opposed to be newly created). ページに追加された際に発火する。 |
LabelCreateEvent | Thrown when a label is created and comes into existance. これまでのページに使われていない全く新しいLabelが作られた時にFireする。 |
LabelDeleteEvent | Thrown when a label itself is removed (as opposed to being disassociated from a piece of content). 他のどのページにも使われなくなった際にFireする。 |
LabelRemoveEvent | Thrown when a label is disassociated from a piece of content (as opposed to itself being removed). ページからLabelが削除された際に発火する。 |
LoginEvent | Event representing the act of a user successfully logging into Confluence |
LoginFailedEvent | Published to indicate failed login - useful to listeners wanting to count n instances of attempt and act on it. |
LogoutEvent | @return true if the event was fired as a result of the user logging themselves out. Returns false if the logout was caused by the servlet session being destroyed. |
MailServerCreateEvent | |
MailServerDeleteEvent | |
MailServerEditEvent | |
MaxCacheSizeChangedEvent | Event that indicates that max cache size for a particular cache needs to be changed. @author anatoli |
PageChildrenReorderEvent | An event where a page's children are re-ordered. No children are added or removed as part of the event, they only change position in the children list. |
PageCreateEvent | @deprecated since 5.3. Please use {@link com.atlassian.confluence.event.events.content.page.async.PageCreatedEvent} |
PageCreateFromTemplateEvent | |
PageMoveEvent | @deprecated since 5.3. Please use {@link com.atlassian.confluence.event.events.content.page.async.PageMovedEvent} |
PageRemoveEvent | |
PageRestoreEvent | |
PageTrashedEvent | @deprecated since 5.3. Please use {@link com.atlassian.confluence.event.events.content.page.async.PageTrashedEvent} |
PageTrashedEvent | @since 5.3 |
PageUpdateEvent | @deprecated since 5.3. Please use {@link com.atlassian.confluence.event.events.content.page.async.PageEditedEvent} |
PersonalInformationCreateEvent | Personal information creation event @author Samuel Le Berrigaud |
PersonalInformationRemoveEvent | Personal information deletion event @author Samuel Le Berrigaud |
PersonalInformationUpdateEvent | Personal information update event @author Samuel Le Berrigaud |
PluginContentCreatedEvent | |
PluginContentRemovedEvent | |
PluginContentUpdatedEvent | |
PluginContentWillBeRemovedForSpaceEvent | |
PluginDisableEvent | |
PluginEnableEvent | |
PluginFrameworkStartedEvent | Published when the plugin framework has finished starting. @see com.atlassian.confluence.plugin.ConfluencePluginManager#init() @since 3.5.3 |
PluginInstallEvent | Fired when a plugin is detected by scanForNewPlugins |
PluginMacroRegisteredEvent | An event to indicate that a macro has been registered with an XHTML {@link MacroManager} from a plugin. Note: this event should not be used to indicate that a user macro has been created via RPC or the UI. It should be used to indicate if a user macro was registered from a plugin. |
PluginMacroUnregisteredEvent | An event to indicate that a plugin hosted macro has been unregistered with an XHTML {@link MacroManager}. Note: this event should not be used to indicate that a user macro has been removed via RPC or the UI. It should be used to indicate if a user macro defined in a plugin was unregistered. |
PluginModuleDisableEvent | |
PluginModuleEnableEvent | |
PluginUninstallEvent | |
PluginsClassLoaderAvailableEvent | Event fired to signal that the plugin system classloader is available for use. |
ProfilePictureThumbnailViewEvent | Event fired every time a thumbnail of a profile picture attachment is viewed. This isn't really used yet, but some day in the future we might have thumbnails for profile pictures. @since v4.2 |
ProfilePictureViewEvent | Event fired every time a full sized profile picture attachment is viewed. @since 4.2 |
ReindexFinishedEvent | |
ReindexStageFinishedEvent | |
ReindexStageStartedEvent | |
ReindexStartedEvent | |
ResetHibernateIdRangeEvent | |
RpcAuthenticatedEvent | Event thrown after successful rpc authentication. |
SearchPerformedEvent | Event triggered whenever a user performs a search through the search screen or the remote API. It is not triggered by the search macro, or by Lucene-backed queries that are not searches like the dashboard or RSS feeds. |
SectionMacroCreatedEvent | A layout event is used to define when a page/blog post is created using the section and column macro. @since v4.2 |
SendTaskEmailEvent | Event published by the Inline Tasks plugin so that the Mention plugin sends notifications to task assignees. The event details the list of modifications from each assignee's perspective, for example in the case of a reassignment, there is one notification for the unassigned and another for the assigned. This is named aggregation. The priorities of aggregation are:
SetupCompleteEvent | |
SiteLogoChangedEvent | |
SpaceArchivedEvent | |
SpaceLogoUpdateEvent | Represents a change to the logo of a space. |
SpaceRemoveEvent | |
SpaceTrashEmptyEvent | Represents when the trash is emptied, either by a user or by a remote administration call. |
SpaceUnArchivedEvent | |
SpaceWillRemoveEvent | Event published when a space is about to be removed, but has not been removed. This gives plugins and the like the opportunity to clean up after themselves. |
StatusClearedEvent | Fired when a user's current status is cleared. |
StatusCreateEvent | Event fired when a new user status is created. The terminology might be confusing because elsewhere we would call this a "status update", but the pattern is that Updated events are fired when an entity is modified, while this event is the result of a new status object being created. |
StatusRemoveEvent | Fired when a user status is deleted. |
StylesheetChangedEvent | Construct a new StylesheetChangedEvent @param src the source of the event @param spaceKey the key of the space that this event is being applied to, or null if the event is related to the site's global look and feel. |
SummaryEmailTrackBackEvent | |
TemplateRemoveEvent | |
TemplateUpdateEvent | |
ThemeChangedEvent | Fired when a new theme is selected, either globally or for an individual space. |
ThumbnailViewEvent | Event fired every time an attachment's thumbnail is viewed. @since 4.2 |
UpgradeFinishedEvent | This event is published when a Confluence upgrade has completed successfully. |
UserCreateEvent | Event sent when a user is created in Confluence. Note that this event is not sent when a user is discovered during synchronisation with a remote directory, due to the volume of events that would be triggered by this. If it's important for your code to know when any users are created/removed, you should also listen for {@link com.atlassian.crowd.event.directory.RemoteDirectorySynchronisedEvent}s. |
UserDeactivateEvent | Event sent when a user is made inactive in Confluence. Note that this event is not sent when a user is discovered during synchronisation with a remote directory, due to the volume of events that would be triggered by this. If it's important for your code to know when any users are activated/deactivated, you should also listen for {@link com.atlassian.crowd.event.directory.RemoteDirectorySynchronisedEvent}s. |
UserReactivateEvent | Event sent when a user is made active in Confluence. Note that this event is not sent when a user is discovered during synchronisation with a remote directory, due to the volume of events that would be triggered by this. If it's important for your code to know when any users are activated/deactivated, you should also listen for {@link com.atlassian.crowd.event.directory.RemoteDirectorySynchronisedEvent}s. |
UserRemoveEvent | Event sent when a user is removed in Confluence. Note that this event is not sent when a user is discovered during synchronisation with a remote directory, due to the volume of events that would be triggered by this. If it's important for your code to know when any users are created/removed, you should also listen for {@link com.atlassian.crowd.event.directory.RemoteDirectorySynchronisedEvent}s. |
WebDAVSettingsChangedEvent | |
XWorkStateChangeEvent | An event that is fired every time an XWork configuration provider required a reload of XWork runtime configuration. |
XhtmlFragmentTimeoutEvent | An event sent when a {@link XhtmlTimeoutException} occurs when rendering a fragment. |
XhtmlMacroTimeoutEvent | An event sent when a {@link XhtmlTimeoutException} occurs when rendering a {@link com.atlassian.confluence.macro.Macro}. |